The Makerspace is located at the southern wing of the Roman Catholic Episcopal Palace in Oradea. This palace is part of the Baroque Complex, the construction of which took place between 1750 and 1875. The Palace was the first to be completed, in 1777, and in 1779 the Roman Catholic Cathedral was completed, consecrated in 1780.

The palace, the work of the Viennese architect Franz Anton Hillebrandt, was built in the late Austrian Baroque style and was intended to be a smaller recreation of the Belvedere Palace in Vienna.
In 1773, the Palace was affected by a fire, but it was rebuilt according to the original plans, being completed in 1777.
Cultural events are regularly organized in the Cathedral, from exhibitions to classical music concerts. For more info visit: www.varad.org
The Garden of the Roman-Catholic Episcopal Palace of Oradea came into being at the initiative of Bishop Pál Forgách (1747–1757), who started the construction of the most imposing baroque cathedral in the Carpathian Basin. To this cathedral was added the monumental episcopal residence built by Bishop Ádám Patachich (1759–1776).
Following the recent renovation of the garden of the baroque complex, the almost original configuration of the land was returned, restoring the landscape atmosphere of the beginning of the 20th century.
Behind the western facade of the palace is a baroque garden, laid out by terracing a hillside. The three wings of the palace, arranged in the shape of the letter U, delimit an inner courtyard known as the cour d’honneur, connected to the lower terraces by a series of steps.
In front of the southern wing of the palace there is a geometric composition of shrubs, this time in the shape of a lyre, recalling the heyday of Oradean classical music, when the cathedral orchestra, founded by Bishop Ádám Patachich, was led by personalities such as Johann Michael Haydn or Carl Ditters von Dittersdorf.

What is a makerspace?

A makerspace is a kind of community center where people with common interests can gather to work on projects while sharing ideas, equipment and knowledge. The Makerspace allows community members to design, prototype and manufacture items using equipment otherwise inaccessible to them, such as 3D printers and digital fabrication machines.
The free exchange of ideas and resources is a central tenet of makerspaces. The community around a makerspace is even more important than its equipment, that’s why events, workshops and conferences are an organic element in the life of makerspaces.
The free exchange of ideas and resources is a central tenet of makerspaces. The community around a makerspace is even more important than its equipment, that’s why events, workshops and conferences are an organic element in the life of makerspaces.
Makerspaces help grow the skills base of local populations, bring cutting-edge manufacturing back to city centers and give people new opportunities to make their own things. On-site manufacturing is not only an effective way to reduce the carbon footprint of products, but also a way to build sustainable employment opportunities and provide members with the know-how to succeed in the fourth industrial revolution.

Photo: Visit Oradea
Considering the above and taking into account the pace of development of the city of Oradea, the idea of opening a makerspace was a natural one, it will have a multiplier effect and numerous advantages:
creating new economic opportunities;
simultaneously serving local citizens and inspiring a new generation of professionals;
supporting innovation, developing a skilled workforce and stimulating the transition to the fourth industrial revolution;
the strategic regeneration of marginalized areas through progressive reindustrialization;
accelerating the path to reducing carbon emissions;
providing an excellent opportunity for city branding
Integrating a makerspace into the ecosystem of a city like Oradea and working together with local authorities, the community and partners (universities, related companies), can attract business clusters to improve competitiveness and, over time, can also reduce the city’s environmental footprint.