The team behind FIX Makerspace is made up of people eager to help build a vibrant community around this initiative. The team members are passionate about DIY, crafting, graphic design, new IT technologies and are determined to get involved in new challenges every day.

The FIX Team

Who is behind the FIX?

Posa Tibor

Project manager

Csüdöm Orsolya

Project assistant

Nagy Károly

Specialty mentor

Tőtős Erzsébet

Specialty mentor

Csarnó László-Levente

Brand coordinator

Veres Csaba

Mentor coordinator


FIX Makerspace is developed by the Association for Business Promotion in Romania, which is a civil organization whose purpose is to help entrepreneurs increase their competitiveness and increase the amount of added value produced by them.

The team consists of 20 young professionals working in the implementation of various projects.

The activity of the Association is closely related to the projects implemented by it, considering the fact that, starting from the pre-accession period, it has been involved, both as an Applicant and as a Partner, in several projects financed by the POCU, ROHU, PHARE CBC, POSDRU 2007-2013, respectively the HURO CBC Program 2007-2013. In planning the project-based activity, the association continuously considered its strategic objectives, i.e. the development of the North-West region of Romania, through professional training and support services for the business environment, both in the urban environment and in the rural environment. The Association’s project portfolio involves both “soft” projects, resulting in the development and authorization of a considerable number of vocational training programs followed by the provision of training services for hundreds of beneficiaries, as well as infrastructure projects.